Care Plans

Individual Care Plans & Goals

We believe in the rights of the individual and that each service user accepted into our care should be allowed to express their individuality whatever their psychological, social, physical, mental and health condition, irrespective of their race, culture and religion. 

We endeavour to address the service users’ needs as a whole.  To help achieve these individualised goals, an assessment using the service user’s care plans will be utilised to identify the aspects of their personal, social and healthcare needs. 

Whenever possible, the service user or their relatives, as well as their personal representative, will take part in the assessment and plan their individualised care using a problem solving approach.

Expressing Individuality

We are committed to providing a high standard of care, which includes the right of the service users to express their concerns. We believe that each individual should be encouraged and motivated to achieve their full potential and maintain as much of their independence as possible.

We treat individuals with respect, as well as maintain the privacy, dignity, confidentiality and self-esteem of the service users in all situations.

Expressing Individuality
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